
Entrepreneurial start-up process 822

Modulekode ENP 822
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

The module is designed to engage students to the entrepreneurial start-up process by focusing on the interaction between science and reality of the entrepreneurship enabling environment, entrepreneurial behaviour elements, creativity and innovation, business modelling, as well as performance motivation. It additionally embraces the world of the social entrepreneur within the stated constructs of the entrepreneurial start-up process. 

The five themes provide a reflective perspective on entrepreneurship and its strategic importance and socio-economic relevance. It also endeavours to facilitate a deep understanding of the dependant and independent variables embedded in and around the start-up phase. Its key purpose conveys entrepreneurship enablement in different branches of industry, sectors and impact spheres.   

The curriculum integrates distinctive aspects of the entrepreneurial start-up process in identifying problems in the enabling market environment towards translation into entrepreneurial opportunities via the creative process of ideation. The entrepreneurial action (start-up) model is designed to guide the learning process to enable potential entrepreneurs to turn the feasible business opportunity into a realistic business venture, in both profit or social impact orientation.

Modulekrediete 25.00
NQF Level 09
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Business Management
Period of presentation Semester 1

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